Vercel’s Costing Sucks: How to Deploy Your Next.js App on Hostinger VPS | Guide
Vercel’s pricing can be frustrating. Learn how to deploy your Next.js app on Hostinger VPS for better performance and lower costs.
Deploying a Next.js application on a Hostinger VPS hosting setup can be a seamless process if done methodically. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you deploy your app effectively:
Before starting, ensure you have:
- A VPS hosting plan from Hostinger.
- A domain name connected to your VPS (optional but recommended).
- A basic understanding of Linux commands and SSH.
- Your Next.js app ready for deployment.
- A local terminal or SSH client like PuTTY.
Step 1: Connect to Your VPS via SSH
- Log in to Hostinger Go to your Hostinger dashboard and navigate to your VPS hosting service.
- Get Your VPS Details
- Connect Using SSH Open your terminal or SSH client and run:
ssh root@<your-vps-ip>
Replace <your-vps-ip> with your VPS’s IP address. Enter your password when prompted.
Step 2: Update and Prepare Your VPS
- Update System Packages Run the following commands to update your server:
apt update && apt upgrade -y
Install Required Tools or Use Hostingers VPS Pre templates like (Nodejs)
Ensure you have curl and wget:
apt install curl wget -y
Step 3: Install Node.js and npm
- Install Node.js via NodeSource Fetch the latest stable version:
curl -fsSL | bash -
apt install nodejs -y
Verify installation:
node -v
npm -v
Install pm2 To manage your app:
npm install -g pm2
Step 4: Prepare Your Next.js App for Deployment
- Build Your Application On your local machine, build your Next.js app:
npm run build
Ensure the app works locally before proceeding.
Transfer Files to VPS :
Use scp to upload your app to the VPS:
scp -r /path/to/your/app root@<your-vps-ip>:/var/www/your-app
Navigate to App Directory
SSH into your VPS and move to your app directory:
cd /var/www/your-app
Install Dependencies
npm install
Step 5: Run Your Next.js App
Start the App Use pm2 to start your app:
pm2 start npm --name "nextjs-app" -- start
Set Up Auto Start on Reboot
Save the pm2 process:
pm2 save
pm2 startup
Step 6: Configure a Reverse Proxy Using Nginx
Install Nginx
apt install nginx -y
Configure Nginx for Your App
Open the Nginx config file:
nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/nextjs
Add the following configuration:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
Enable the Configuration
Link the file to sites-enabled:
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/nextjs /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
Restart Nginx
Apply changes:
systemctl restart nginx
Congratulations🎉 your Nextjs Web app is now live, You can check by visiting your domain name or your machine IP address
Step 7: (Optional): Secure Your App with SSL
Install Certbot
apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y
Get an SSL Certificate
certbot --nginx -d -d
Auto-Renew SSL
Add to crontab:
crontab -e
Add the line:
0 3 * * * certbot renew --quiet
Step 8: Test Your Application
Access the App Open your browser and visit:
Check Logs
Use pm2 logs to check for errors:
pm2 logs
Following this detailed guide, you’ve successfully deployed your Next.js app on Hostinger’s VPS hosting. With Nginx as a reverse proxy and SSL for security, your app is live and ready to serve users globally.
I hope this article was helpful to you😊